Wednesday, December 19, 2018


The Author, Rev. Chris Baah Nartey
Writing and launching four books within and space of a year – that is how young Presbyterian Minister, Rev. Chris Baah Nartey etched his name on the slate that holds the names of authors of Christian literature.
He made his debut in the literary space when he simultaneously launched two ‘page turners’ titled “Kingdom mandate” and “Fulfilling a Glorious Destiny” in December 2017.
Twelve months down the line, he is out with another pair in his determined effort to augment the volume of literature on Christian themes.
Titled “Invoking Divine Visitation” and “The Passion of Christ”  the new set of two was launched recently at the Bethel Presby Church, Kpong, in the Lower Manya Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region, attracting well-wishers from all walks of life.

About the two books
“Invoking the Divine Visitation” is a 94 pager and a product of thorough research and analysis. The book provides readers with a deep insight into what it means to have God’s presence in one’s life.
“The Passion of Christ” took 10 years of research to generate the content and every one of the 72 pages give you a sense of the effort that went into it. As carried in the tittle, the book is about Easter and appreciating the benefits the death and resurrection of Christ bring to the Christian.
Commenting on the launch and the inspiration behind the beautiful literary works, Rev. Nartey said “… I got moved to write these books because many people ‘lack depth’ on these subjects. Most of the topics treated in the books are from my personal encounter with the Lord.  As a minister of the gospel, I find myself preaching on them all the time. It is only prudent for me to have them in text and a more permanent form for people to read at their convenience”.

About Rev. Chris Baah Nartey
Rev. and Mrs. Nartey 
Born on 23rd July 1979, Rev. Chris Baah Nartey, attended the Yilo Krobo Senior High School before proceeding to the Koforidua Technical University in 1999 to study for an HND in Accounting.
He heeded the call into ministry and that took him to the Trinity Theological Seminary (Legon) where he first studies for his Certificate in Ministry and later, First Degree. Presently, he holds a Master’s Degree in New Testament Studies having graduated from the Union Presbyterian Seminary, USA in 2016.
He is the current resident minister for the Bethel Congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Kpong, the husband of Mrs. Mabel Ayermle Nartey (an educationist) and the father of four adorable girls namely Anunyam, Sina, Dromi and Manyeyo Nartey. 
The children of Rev and Mrs Nartey 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

WHO KILLED THE JUDGES? - My mixed feelings about the Joy News documentary

A “sleeping dog” will be awakened this evening at 8:30pm as Joy News screens it’s special assignment documentary on how three superior court judges (and a retired military officer) were heartlessly dispatched into eternity in the early 80s.

My reaction to this documentary is mixed. A part of me is eager to watch and to discover more - if only the documentary will reveal something new, beyond what is already in the public domain.

The other half of me is like, hold on, do we really want to wake this wild “beast” up? Do we really want to scrape the wound/scar that took so long to heal (or perhaps, is still healing)? Will the documentary be that deep to tell us something new - the real stuff we want to hear?
Aside the judges, will the documentary give details about the abduction and murder of Major Rtd. Sam Acquah too? He is often lost in narratives about the killing. The reason?

I am thinking, how do we “appease” the souls of the departed, soothe the sorrow of the families and related parties whose hearts ache at the recall or mention of the injustice visited on them?

Is it time to tell the perpetrators of the heinous crime something in their faces?
In my mind, I am like, what next after the documentary?


Sunday, July 1, 2018


Exactly 58 years ago today, Ghana gained its republican status to wrap up the long period of the independence struggle which was characterized by the payment of the ultimate price - loss of lives- and other forms of precious sacrifices by our forebears.

From that point, we confidently shed off the shackles of colonialism and took our destinies into our own hands to govern ourselves.

The black man is indeed capable of managing his own affairs 
The first President of the Republic, Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was so bold, masculine and emphatic when he said the black man was capable of managing his own affairs. It was a case of dictating and dancing to our own tune and this we have done for nearly six decade. We have since chalked some modest successes, but the trajectory came with its own challenges as well.

Admittedly, the pace of our development could have been faster than experienced. Our bane has been the widespread and deeply-rooted corruption, and the near acceptance of what I will describe as “veiled form of colonialism”, uncoordinated development effort/plans, disregard for time and maintenance culture, among others. Going forward, our fight against these phenomena should be more aggressive and collective to make any significant impact.

We however can pat ourselves on the shoulder for the long period of stability/peace and the conscious efforts we have made in this regard. The growing spirit of selflessness and good neighborliness which have made Ghana the home of warmth and hospitality is also worthy of commendation.

We have our own wheel to steer to continue demonstrating to the world that indeed we are capable. Our forebears have contributed their part and we cannot afford to douse the flame that was lit at such a price and in pure sacrifice.

As we mark this day in remembrance of the effort of our forefathers, the best of tributes to pay them is to rededicate ourselves to the efforts to make Ghana a great nation and to further consolidate our positions as the beacon and hope of Africa.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


The man, Anas Aremeyaw Anas. (Picture sourced externally)

One word that hits my mind any time the name, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, comes up is enigma. The young man is simply mysterious, puzzling and difficult to figure out.

That he still plies his trade actively and yet most Ghanaians, till date, cannot put a face to the name is the most mystifying. He is such an artful and elusive character.

He must have planned his career so well to have come this far in terms of exploits and achievements while still going faceless. His is an uncommon spirit, a spirit so “stubborn” and daring.

Fact is, Anas is not the first to have ventured in journalism, or better still, investigative/subterfuge journalism, but he is certainly a pacesetter and perhaps the first to have taken it to this dizzying height- one that will remain the point of reference for a very long time to come.

There is however no illusion about how dangerous a career like his can be. Aside the inherent hazards of losing his precious life in the act and endangering those of his family, he is having to live an uncomfortable life in perpetuity, looking over his shoulders every minute and second.

Many are the careers he’s ruined and reduced to rubble through his investigative manoeuvre – in the interest of mother Ghana/humanity, as many would say – and numerous are the people who are seething with a vengeful anger for the huge embarrassment and anguish he’s caused them. 

At this point, he’s already put himself in harm’s way and can only remain anonymous for good otherwise the least act of indiscretion and he is a “grave man”. What a sacrifice for mother Ghana/humanity !

But hey, Anas is not alone, we don’t even know which of these young men parading in the customized mask he really is. He seems to be working with a team who are fast mastering the art.
"Baby Anas", extreme right, spotting his investigative mask
Some more youngsters are also burning with aspirations to step into his kind of shoes. A couple of days ago, social media went live with pictures of this faceless 3-year-old kid who seems poised to also go down the road less traveled.

She was bold enough to choose investigative journalism as a career and she dressed in the likeness of her role model, Anas, to mark a career day in her school. She became an instant (social media) celebrity; that is what creativity can do sometimes. It must be her parents’ idea because she appears too young to own and be credited with this ingenuity/creativity; she has become a “star”, the darling “Baby Anas”, nonetheless.
When Anas met "Baby Anas"

Anas is even reported to have paid her a courtesy call - that’s heartwarming. I hope he (Anas) takes special interest in her professional grooming to make sure this dream of becoming a journalist - a valiant investigative journalist,for that matter- is realized. That will be a good way to prepare the ground for his “second coming”, in a different human form.
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