Tuesday, December 2, 2014

POOR MAN, NO FRIEND- an epistle to the leadership of my church

The sandals of my good friend
Close up with my good friend
I watched with teary eyes as “Rev” John Teye, a.k.a GO SLOW shuffled through the pews in the Zimmerman Presby Chapel, Odumase-Krobo in his usual DECENTLY WRETCHED apparel and followed other sharply dressed members of the congregation to take the Sunday offertory.

Spotting his afro hair style- very typical of him- against a white-turned-brown long sleeved shirt, neatly tucked into a zip-less and oversized trouser held to the waist with a narrow rope of a belt, his diary tucked under his armpit and this pen pegged downwards into his breast pocket (typical of a medieval/colonial pupil teacher), the frail-looking old man (Octogenarian, I guess) walked pass the offertory box and dropped his “widow’s mite”, a coin which rang like a typical Basel Mission School bell. This I have observed him do- without fail- since my Primary school days in the 90s; the man has been old since I was young.

His slightly unbalanced mental state notwithstanding, this man has been a staunch member of my church, participating in virtually all activities (at least by his mere presence) to the admiration of all. Yet, not for once did the church- as a body- go out of its ORTHODOX role of “SPIRITUALLY” feeding him with the raw gospel to attempt attending to his SOCIAL needs by way of social responsibility.

How he survives (his food, clothing and shelter) is still a mystery and nobody seems to care, at least none that has come to my attention. I think, now I better understand the axiom, POOR MAN, NO FRIEND, I know I’m guilty too because I have looked on till date as he grayed and single-handedly battled his fate- the whole world looking on in akimbo.

You don’t think the church can prove itself more responsive to the plight of the LOWLY-PLACED in our community? I eagerly await the day he would be publicly acknowledged and rewarded as is done the “highly placed”.

We certainly CANT wait any longer only to reward him with a GRAVE SPACE in the Presbyterian cemetery for being a member of the church.

While we wait for that day, you and I can also show him some love- get on board if you share this conviction.

Published on my facebook wall on May 8, 2012
Tete-a-tete with "Rev" John Teye

My friend, Larnor Peter Nyarko couldn't help but to take a shot with "Rev" too

He will never dress without tucking in his shirt, a typical Presbyterian

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